Why artificially increasing the initial number of likes is important

Starting a new social media account can be challenging, especially when you're trying to build an audience from scratch. One way to help increase your visibility is by artificially increasing the initial number of likes on your posts.

1. Attracting new users

Having a high number of likes on your posts can make your account appear more popular and attractive to potential new users. This can help you stand out from other accounts and make it more likely that people will follow you.

2. Building trust and reputation

If people see that your posts are receiving a lot of likes, they may be more likely to trust your brand or profile. This can help you build a reputation as a trustworthy source of information or products.

3. Attracting sponsors and advertisers

Sponsors and advertisers are often more interested in working with accounts that have a large following and high engagement rates. Having a high number of likes on your posts can make your account more attractive to potential sponsors and advertisers.

4. Increasing visibility

As a general rule, companies prefer to work with profiles that have high activity and a large audience, as this means their advertising will reach more people.

5. Increased audience engagement

If users see that your post is receiving a lot of likes, they are more likely to leave comments and follow your profile. This can lead to increased audience engagement and more active users on your profile.


Artificially increasing the initial number of likes on your posts can help you attract new users, build trust and reputation, attract sponsors and advertisers, and increase audience engagement. However, it's important to remember that this should not be the only way you try to attract attention to your profile. Quality content and active engagement with your audience also play important roles in the success of your social media profile.